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Are you getting the latest updated pages?

We have had a couple of complaints that our web site is never updated and that the information is old news. We have discovered the that reason some people get out dated pages is that their browser's are not set up to get the latest pages or they are using a proxy cache which has stored the old pages.

To get the most recent pages on the Internet you need to set up your browser as follows:

1)Your browser isn't looking for newer documents...

Microsoft Internet Explorer: From the menu bar select View/Options and then click on the Advanced tag. In the Temporary Internet Files section click the Settings button.You should get the following window.

Under Check for newer versions of stored pages make sure that you choose either Every visit to the page or Every time you start Internet Explorer and not Never.

Now click OK, refresh your pages and continue browsing...


Netscape Navigator: From the menu bar select Options/Network Preferences and then click on the Cache tag. You should get the following window.

At the Verify Documents option, select either Once per Session or Every Time but not Never.

Now click OK, reload your pages and continue browsing...

2)Proxy cache storing old pages...

Microsoft Internet Explorer: From the menu bar select View/Options and then click on the Connection tag. You should get the following window.

At the Proxy server section, make sure the Connect through a proxy server option is not checked.

Now click OK, refresh your pages and continue browsing...

Netscape Navigator: From the menu bar select Options/Network Preferences and then click on the Proxies tag. You should get the following window.

Select the No Proxies option.

Now click OK, reload your pages and continue browsing...

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