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DEUTSCHE KONSUM REIT-AG - Correction of release date 17 January 2025: notification of major holdings

Release Date: 20/02/2025 15:00
Code(s): DKR     PDF:  
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Correction of release date 17 January 2025: notification of major holdings

(Incorporated in the Federal Republic of Germany)
(Registration number: HRB 13072)
FSE Share Code: A14KRD
JSE Share Code: DKR


1. Details of issuer

Name:                                               Deutsche Konsum REIT-AG

Street:                                             Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 12b

Postal code:                                        14482


Legal Entity Identifier (LEI):                      529900QXC6TDASMCSU89

2. Reason for notification

   Acquisition/disposal of shares with voting rights

   Acquisition/disposal of instruments

X Change of breakdown of voting rights

   Other reason:

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligation

Legal entity: Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder AöR - VBL
City of registered office, country: Karlsruhe, Germany

4. Names of shareholder(s)
holding directly 3% or more voting rights, if different from 3.

5. Date on which threshold was crossed or reached:

13 Jan 2025

6. Total positions

               % of voting                                                         Total number of
                                      % of voting rights
               rights attached                                Total of both in %    voting rights
                                     through instruments
               to shares                                        (7.a. + 7.b.)    pursuant to Sec. 41
                                   (total of 7.b.1 + 7.b.2)
               (total of 7.a.)                                                          WpHG

New            12.85 %                    16.15 %                 29.00 %            43351091
                  13.68 %                      17.19 %                   30.87 %                /

7. Details on total positions
a. Voting rights attached to shares (Sec. 33, 34 WpHG)

ISIN                                    Absolute                                    In %

                                    Direct              Indirect               Direct              Indirect
                          (Sec. 33 WpHG)        (Sec. 34 WpHG)       (Sec. 33 WpHG)        (Sec. 34 WpHG)

DE000A254V12                      5572704                       0             12.85 %                0.00 %

Total                                   5572704                                    12.85 %

b.1. Instruments according to Sec. 38 (1) no. 1 WpHG

Type of             Expiration or maturity Exercise or conversion             Voting rights    Voting rights
instrument          date                   period                                 absolute             in %

                                                                                           0         0.00 %

                                              Total                                        0         0.00 %

b.2. Instruments according to Sec. 38 (1) no. 2 WpHG

                          Expiration or       Exercise or       Cash or physical Voting rights
Type of instrument                                                                                  rights in
                          maturity date       conversion period settlement           absolute

Convertible bond                              01.01.2025 -       Physical
                          30.01.2025                                                     7000000    16.15 %
(DE000A14J1L9)                                28.01.2025         settlement

                                                                 Total                   7000000    16.15 %

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation

    Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled nor does it control any other
    undertaking(s) that directly or indirectly hold(s) an interest in the (underlying) issuer (1.).

    Full chain of controlled undertakings starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal

            % of voting rights (if at   % of voting rights through instruments Total of both (if at least
                 least 3% or more)                     (if at least 5% or more)           5% or more)

9. In case of proxy voting according to Sec. 34 para. 3 WpHG
(only in case of attribution of voting rights in accordance with Sec. 34 para. 1 sent. 1 No. 6 WpHG)

Date of general meeting:
Holding total positions after general meeting (6.) after annual general meeting:

                Proportion of voting rights                  Proportion of instruments         Total of both

                                          %                                         %                     %

10. Other explanatory remarks:
Cancellation of the entry in no. 4 and correction of the disclosure in no. 7a. The convertible bonds
are held in fund mandates with Internationale Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH, Düsseldorf.


19 Feb 2025

DKR has a primary listing on the Prime Standard on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and a secondary
listing on the JSE.

Potsdam, 20 February 2025

JSE Sponsor
PSG Capital

Date: 20-02-2025 03:00:00
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