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OUTsurance GROUP LIMITED - Dealings in securities

Release Date: 26/06/2024 16:33
Code(s): OUT     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities

OUTsurance Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2010/005770/06)
ISIN: ZAE000314084
Share code: OUT
("OGL" or "the company")


At the annual general meeting of the company held on 23 November
2023, shareholders approved special resolution number 4 which
allows the company to issue new shares in connection with the
acquisition of further shares in OUTsurance Holdings Limited (OHL)
from its minority shareholders. Since 1 July 2022, the movement in
the OHL share price was referenced to the movement in the 15-day
volume weighted average price (VWAP) of the OGL shares.

In compliance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements,
shareholders are advised of the following dealings in securities
by a director of the company, a director of a major subsidiary of
the company and the company secretary of a major subsidiary of the

1. Dealing in securities by a director of the company

Director                      :   JH Hofmeyr
Company                       :   OGL
Date of transaction           :   26 June 2024
Nature of transaction         :   Off-market new issue of
                                  ordinary shares by OGL in
                                  exchange for ordinary shares in
Class of securities           :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities          :   473 405
Issue price                   :   4 227 cents per share
Total value of transaction    :   R20 010 829
Nature of interest            :   Indirect beneficial
Clearance obtained            :   Yes

Mr Hofmeyr transferred 1 084 011 ordinary shares in OHL (valued at
R20 010 829 based on the 15-day VWAP of the OGL shares on 20 June
2024) in exchange for 473 405 newly issued OGL shares. The
aggregate 12-month value of transactions with related parties is
0.068% of the OGL market capitalisation, which is below the 0.25%
threshold of a small related party transaction.

2. Dealing in securities by a director of Youi Holdings Limited, a
   major subsidiary of OGL

Director                      :   N Simpson
Company                       :   OGL
Date of transaction           :   26 June 2024
Nature of transaction         :   Off-market new issue of
                                  ordinary shares by OGL in
                                  exchange for ordinary shares in
Class of securities           :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities          :   327 537
Issue price                   :   4 227 cents per share
Total value of transaction    :   R13 844 989
Nature of interest            :   Direct beneficial
Clearance obtained            :   Yes

Mr Simpson transferred 750 000 ordinary shares in OHL (valued at
R13 844 989 based on the 15-day VWAP of the OGL shares on 20 June
2024) in exchange for 327 537 newly issued OGL shares.

3. Dealing in securities by the company secretary of OUTsurance
   Holdings Limited, a major subsidiary of OGL

Company secretary             :   ZM Waterston
Company                       :   OGL
Date of transaction           :   26 June 2024
Nature of transaction         :   Off-market new issue of
                                  ordinary shares by OGL in
                                  exchange for ordinary shares in
Class of securities           :   Ordinary shares
Number of securities          :   13 046
Issue price                   :   4 227 cents per share
Total value of transaction    :   R551 454
Nature of interest            :   Direct beneficial
Clearance obtained            :   Yes

Ms Waterston transferred 29 875 ordinary shares in OHL (valued at
R551 454 based on the 15-day VWAP of the OGL shares on 20 June
2024) in exchange for 13 046 newly issued OGL shares.
4. Dealing in securities by other employees

In addition to the transactions outlined above, there were
employees who transferred in total 7 631 726 shares in OHL (valued
at R140 881 303 based on the 15-day VWAP of the OGL shares on 20
June 2024) in exchange for 3 332 891 newly issued OGL shares.
Therefore, in total, OGL acquired 9 495 612 additional OHL shares
in exchange for 4 146 879 newly issued OGL shares.

After these transactions, OGL's shareholding in OHL has increased
from 90.20% to 90.45% (92.15% effective interest when treasury
shares owned by the OHL share trust are taken into account), with
the remaining 9.55% of the issued shares of OHL being owned by
management, directors and the OHL share trust. OGL's issued number
of ordinary shares has increased from 1 533 388 983 to
1 537 535 862.

26 June 2024

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 26-06-2024 04:33:00
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