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Distribution of Circular and Notice of General Meeting
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1997/008691/06)
Share code: TMT
ISIN: ZAE000013991
("Trematon" or "the Company")
1. Introduction
Shareholders are referred to the announcement published on SENS on 9 September 2024 wherein they
were advised that Trematon, via its wholly owned subsidiary, Tremgrowth Proprietary Limited and its indirect
wholly owned subsidiary, Club Mykonos Langebaan Proprietary Limited ("CML"), had entered into an
agreement with Aria Property Group Proprietary Limited ("Aria"), in terms of which CML will dispose of its
entire 60% interest in Aria for a cash consideration of R293 million (the "Transaction"), which Transaction
is structured as a repurchase by Aria of all of the 180 ordinary no par value shares held by CML in the share
capital of Aria. In terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited the Transaction constitutes a
category 1 disposal transaction and, accordingly, requires the approval of a majority of Shareholders at a
general meeting.
2. Circular
Shareholders are advised that a circular containing full details of the Transaction and containing a notice of
general meeting to approve the ordinary resolutions pertaining thereto, was distributed today, 29 October
2024, to shareholders registered as such on the record date, being Friday, 18 October 2024.
The circular is available on the Company's website:
3. General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of Trematon Shareholders will be held, entirely by electronic
participation, on Tuesday, 26 November 2024, commencing at 14:00, or for the purpose of considering and,
if deemed fit, passing, with or without modification, the ordinary resolutions required to approve the
Salient Dates and Times 2024
Record date for Shareholders to be recorded in the register in order to receive
this circular Friday, 18 October
Circular containing the notice convening the general meeting posted to
Shareholders on
Tuesday, 29 October
Notice convening the general meeting published on SENS on Tuesday, 29 October
Last day to trade in shares in order to be recorded in the register to vote at
the general meeting on
Tuesday, 12 November
Record date for Shareholders to be recorded in the register in order to be
eligible to vote at the general meeting
Friday, 15 November
Forms of proxy for the general meeting, if lodged with the Transfer
Secretaries, to be received by 14:00 on Friday, 22 November
General meeting held at 14:00 on Tuesday, 26 November
Results of the general meeting published on SENS on Tuesday, 26 November
1. The above dates and times are subject to amendment. Any amendment to the dates and times will be
published on SENS. All times are local times in South Africa.
2. Shareholders should note that as transactions in shares are settled in the electronic settlement system
used by Strate, settlement of trades takes place three business days after such trade. Persons who
acquire shares after the last day to trade will therefore not be eligible to vote at the general meeting.
3. A Shareholder may submit a form of proxy at any time before the commencement of the general meeting
(or adjourned or postponed general meeting) or convey it to the chairman of the general meeting before
the appointed proxy exercises any of the relevant Shareholder rights at the general meeting (or
adjourned or postponed General Meeting), provided that should a Shareholder lodge a form of proxy
with the Transfer Secretaries less than 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and official public
holidays) before the general meeting, such Shareholder will also be required to furnish a copy of such
form of proxy to the chairman of the general meeting before the appointed proxy/ies exercises any of
such Shareholder's rights at the general meeting (or adjourned or postponed general meeting).
4. If the general meeting is adjourned or postponed, forms of proxy submitted for the initial general meeting
will remain valid in respect of any adjournment or postponement of the general meeting.
Cape Town
29 October 2024
Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited
Legal Advisor
Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz Attorneys
Date: 29-10-2024 11:15:00
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