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ABSA GROUP LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting of Absa Group

Release Date: 04/06/2024 15:17
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Results of Annual General Meeting of Absa Group

Absa Group Limited
Registration number: 1986/003934/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
JSE share code: ABG
ISIN: ZAE000255915
Bond Issuer Code: ABGI
("Absa Group", "Group" or "Company")


Shareholders are advised that at the hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Absa Group held on Tuesday, 4 June
2024, all the ordinary and special resolutions as set out in the notice of the AGM dispatched to shareholders on
28 March 2024 were passed on a poll, by the requisite majorities.

Details of the results of the voting are as follows:

Total issued share capital: 894 376 907
Total number of shares present/ represented including proxies at the meeting: 590 398 729, being 66% of the total
votable shares.

                                                                                                      % of
                                                                       Abstain                       Issued
 Title                                           For %     Against %     %*         Total Votes      Capital*
 Ordinary Resolution number 1: Re-
 appointment of KPMG Inc as external
 auditors                                         99.81%       0.19%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 2: Re-
 appointment of
 PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc as
 external auditors                                99.98%       0.02%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 3.1: Re-
 election of director – Arrie Rautenbach          91.83%       8.17%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 3.2: Re-
 election of director – Ihron Rensburg            99.35%       0.65%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 3.3: Re-
 election of director – John Cummins              99.98%       0.02%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 3.4: Re-
 election of director – Rose Keanly               89.72%      10.28%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 3.5: Re-
 election of director – Sello Moloko              99.09%       0.91%      0.19%      588 693 600       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 4.1:
 Election of director – Alison Beck               99.96%       0.04%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 4.2:
 Election of director – Alpheus Mangale           98.90%       1.10%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 4.3:
 Election of director – Luisa Diogo               99.99%       0.01%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 4.4:
 Election of director – Peter Mageza              99.71%       0.29%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 5.1: Re-
 appointment of Group Audit and
 Compliance Committee member –
 Alison Beck                                      99.98%       0.02%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 5.2: Re-
 appointment of Group Audit and
 Compliance Committee member –
 Peter Mageza                                     99.71%       0.29%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 5.3: Re-
 appointment of Group Audit and
 Compliance Committee member –
 Fulvio Tonelli                                   96.90%       3.10%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 5.4: Re-
 appointment of Group Audit and
 Compliance Committee member –
 René van Wyk                                     69.26%      30.74%      0.19%      588 707 805       65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 5.5: Re-
 appointment of Group Audit and
 Compliance Committee member –
 Tasneem Abdool-Samad                           99.40%         0.60%         0.19%       588 707 805        65.82%
 Ordinary Resolution number 6: Placing
 the authorised but unissued ordinary
 shares of the Company under the
 control of the directors                       97.95%         2.05%         0.36%       587 150 290        65.65%
 Non-binding advisory vote 1: Approval
 of remuneration policy                         83.94%       16.06%          0.19%       588 707 642        65.82%
 Non-binding advisory vote 2: Approval
 of implementation report                       83.12%       16.88%          0.19%       588 707 732        65.82%
 Special Resolution number 1: Approval
 of non-executive directors'
 remuneration                                   98.15%         1.85%         0.19%       588 675 002        65.82%
 Special Resolution number 2: General
 authority to the directors to approve
 repurchase of the Company's ordinary
 shares                                         99.67%         0.33%         0.19%       588 661 359        65.82%
 Special Resolution number 3: Financial
 assistance for subscription of
 securities – Section 44 of the
 Companies Act                                  97.05%         2.95%         0.19%       588 707 805        65.82%
 Special Resolution number 4: Financial
 assistance to a related or inter-related
 company – Section 45(1) of the
 Companies Act                                  97.66%         2.34%         0.19%       588 707 805        65.82%
*Based on the total number of shares in issue

As indicated in the notice of AGM, Ms Daisy Naidoo has retired effective today, 4 June 2024, after eight years'
service on the Board.

4 June 2024

Nadine Drutman (Group Company Secretary)
Tel: +27 11 350 5347

Lead independent sponsor
J. P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Joint sponsor
Absa Bank Limited (Corporate and Investment Bank)

Date: 04-06-2024 03:17:00
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