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AFINE INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 15/08/2024 14:15
Code(s): ANI     PDF:  
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Results of the Annual General Meeting

(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 2020/852422/06
JSE share code: ANI      ISIN: ZAE000303947
("the Company" or "Afine")


Shareholders are advised that, at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of Afine shareholders held on
Wednesday, 15 August 2024, convened in terms of the notice of AGM included in the Company's
integrated annual report for the year ended 29 February 2024, the results of voting at the AGM are as

-   Total number of Afine ordinary shares in issue at the date of the AGM: 72 536 585.
-   Total number of Afine ordinary shares that were present/represented at the AGM: 71 399 535, being
    98.43% of the total number of ordinary shares that could have voted at the AGM.

The resolutions proposed at the AGM, together with the percentage of votes carried for and against
each resolution, are set out below:

                                                                                (% of
                                                                               issued   Total Votes
                                                          For     Against       share    (excluding
Resolution proposed                                        %            %     capital)  abstentions)
Ordinary resolution number 1: Presentation        71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
and acceptance of annual financial statements     (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Ordinary resolution number 2: Director            71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
retirement and re-election: D Kohler              (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Ordinary resolution number 3 : Re-                71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
appointment and remuneration of auditors          (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Ordinary resolution number 4: Re-                 71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
appointment of Audit and Risk Committee           (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)
member: D Kohler

Ordinary resolution number 5: Re-                 71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
appointment of Audit and Risk Committee           (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)
member: MJ Watters

Ordinary resolution number 6: Appointment of      71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
Audit and Risk Committee member: G du Preez       (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Ordinary resolution number 7: Endorsement of      71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
Afine's Remuneration Policy                       (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)
Ordinary resolution number 8: Endorsement of      71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
the implementation of Afine's Remuneration        (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Special resolution number 1: General authority    71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
to allot and issue shares for cash                (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Special resolution number 2: Authority to issue   71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
shares, securities convertible into shares or     (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)
rights that may exceed 30% of the voting
power of the current issued share capital

Special resolution number 3: Non-Executive        71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
directors' remuneration                           (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)

Special resolution number 4: General authority    71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
to provide financial assistance for the           (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)
subscription and/or purchase of securities in
the company or in related or inter-related

Special resolution number 5: General authority    71 399 535          0           0      71 399 535
to provide financial assistance to related and    (100.00%)       (0.00%)     (0.00%)
inter-related companies and corporations

By Order of the Board
Cape Town
15 August 2024

Designated Advisor
AcaciaCap Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 15-08-2024 02:15:00
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