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ASCENDIS HEALTH LIMITED - Dealings in securities by associates of directors & disclosure of disposal and acquisition of securities

Release Date: 12/12/2024 16:25
Code(s): ASC     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities by associates of directors & disclosure of disposal and acquisition of securities

Ascendis Health Limited
(Registration number 2008/005856/06)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share code: ASC
ISIN: ZAE000185005
Listed on the General Segment of the Main Board
("Ascendis Health" or "the Company")


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, the
following information regarding the dealings in securities is disclosed:


Name of director                                  Carl Neethling

Name of company of which the director is a        Ascendis Health Limited

Date of transaction                               9 December 2024

Price per security (Cents)                        80

Number of securities                              15 421 666

Total rand value of securities                    R12 337 332.80

Class of securities                               Ordinary shares

Nature of transaction                             Purchase of shares by an associate of the
                                                  director (off-market transaction)

Nature and extent of directors interest in the    Indirect, beneficial

Name of associate                                 Carl Andre Capital (Pty) Ltd

Relationship with director                        Director is a director of the associate and
                                                  a beneficiary of a trust that is the
                                                  shareholder of the associate


Name of director                                  Theunis de Bruyn

Name of company of which the director is a        Ascendis Health Limited

Dates of transactions                             9 December 2024 (1) & (2)

                                                  10 December 2024 (3)

Price per security (Cents)                        (1) High: 80
                                                      Low:  79,46
                                                      VWAP: 80

                                                  (2) 80

                                                  (3) High: 80
                                                      Low:  78,18
                                                      VWAP: 80

Number of securities                              71 592 292 (1)

                                                  30 843 332 (2)

                                                   6 229 580 (3)

Total rand value of securities                    R57 269 607,13 (1)

                                                  R24 674 665,60 (2)

                                                  R 4 960 696,42 (3)

Class of securities                               Ordinary shares

Nature of transactions                            Purchase of shares by an associate of the
                                                  director (off-market transaction) (1) & (3)

                                                  Sale of shares by an associate of the
                                                  director (off-market transaction) (2)

Nature and extent of directors interest in the    Indirect, beneficial (1) – (3)

Name of associate                                 Calibre Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd
                                                  (1) – (3)

Relationship with director                        Director is a director and a shareholder of
                                                  the associate (1) – (3)

Clearance for the above was obtained in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited Listings


In accordance with section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act No. 71 of 2008, as amended ("Companies
Act") and paragraph 3.83(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, shareholders are hereby
advised that the Company has received formal notifications in the prescribed form from:

-   the International Finance Corporation ("IFC"), advising that it has disposed of its beneficial interest
    of 9,8% in securities of the Company, such that it no longer holds any interest in the Company's
    issued ordinary share capital; and                                                                                                        2
-   Calibre Investment Holdings Proprietary Limited ("Calibre Investment Holdings"), advising that it
    has acquired a beneficial interest in securities of the Company, such that the total of all beneficial
    interests held by it amounts to 27,43% of the Company's total issued ordinary share capital.

The requisite notices in terms of section 122(3)(a) of the Companies Act has been filed with the
Takeover Regulation Panel.

The board of the Company accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement
and confirms that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, such information accurately reflects the
information contained in the TRP 121.1 forms received by the Company from the IFC and Calibre
Investment Holdings respectively.

12 December 2024

Valeo Capital (Pty) Limited


Date: 12-12-2024 04:25:00
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