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COPPER 360 LIMITED - Appointment of Chief Financial Officer and changes to executive responsibilities of a Director

Release Date: 28/10/2024 17:30
Code(s): CPR     PDF:  
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Appointment of Chief Financial Officer and changes to executive responsibilities of a Director

Copper 360 Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 2021/609755/06
JSE share code: CPR
ISIN: ZAE000318531
("Copper 360" or the "Company")


The Board of Directors of Copper 360 has pleasure in announcing that Ferdinand Nel has been appointed
as a Director and Chief Financial Officer of Copper 360 with immediate effect. The incumbent Chief Financial
Officer, Stephan du Plessis, has been appointed as Commercial Director with immediate effect.

Ferdinand is a Chartered Accountant (SA) with over 20 years' experience, spanning a variety of industries,
working in cross-functional roles at both listed companies and large private businesses. He joined the Copper
360 Group in June 2023 and has added significant value in the finance and procurement functions, whilst
working together with the CFO and CEO. Ferdinand holds professional memberships with CIMA (ACMA
(CGMA)) and SAICA (CA(SA)) and is also a member of the Institute of Directors South Africa, where he
completed the JSE Alt X Directors Induction Programme in 2023.

As Chief Financial Officer he will have executive responsibility for financial reporting and management of
budgeting, cash flow, taxation, procurement and inventory.

The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has satisfied itself that Ferdinand has the necessary skills,
experience and qualifications to fulfill the role of Chief Financial Officer of Copper 360.

Stephan du Plessis, as Commercial Director, will have executive responsibility for commercial strategy and
initiatives, including the corporate finance and capital structure functions, as well as ongoing liaison with
investors. He will also focus on Copper 360's growth and energy security initiatives.

28 October 2024
Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 28-10-2024 05:30:00
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