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1NVEST ETFs LIMITED - Cash Proceeds in respect of Fractional Entitlements and Applicable Rate

Release Date: 31/10/2024 12:58
Code(s): ETFSWX     PDF:  
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Cash Proceeds in respect of Fractional Entitlements and Applicable Rate

1nvest SWIX 40 ETF ("ETFSWX40") (being a portfolio under the STANLIB ETF Collective Investment
Scheme registered in the Republic of South Africa in terms of Collective Investment Schemes Control
Act, 45 of 2002 ("CISCA")

Share Code: ETFSWX
Abbreviated Name: ETFSWX40
ISIN: ZAE000279220


 1.    Background

       Holders of 1NVEST SWIX 40 ETF participatory interests ("Security") were advised that the JSE
       Limited ("JSE") has approved an application by the manager of the STANLIB ETF Collective
       Investment Scheme ("the Manager") to proceed with a consolidation of Securities in ETFSBOND
       ("the Consolidation"). Reference is made to the CONSOLIDATION OF PARTICIPATORY
       INTERESTS announcement dated 07, 14 and 30 October 2024. Please refer to our previous
       announcement and note that the unit consolidation ratio has changed from 0.63643:1 to 0.63192:1.

       In terms of the Consolidation, the Manager will reduce the number of Securities that an investor
       holds and accordingly increase the value of each Security. The portfolio value of each investor will
       therefore remain unchanged.

 2.    Effective date

       The effective date of the Consolidation was 30 October 2024.


       In accordance with the JSE Listings Requirements, and reference in paragraph 6 of the
       CONSOLIDATION OF PARTICIPATORY INTERESTS announcement fractional entitlements be
       rounded down to the nearest whole number and the aggregated fractions will be paid out in cash.
       This amount has been determined with reference to the Net Asset Value price in Rand of
       ETFSWX40 on the JSE on Wednesday, 30 October 2024, ZAR22.80294 (2,280.29400 cents per
       units), being the first day on which ETFSWX40 shares traded ex the event.


      Record date in respect of the Consolidation                              Friday, 01 November

      Accounts of dematerialised holders will have their Consolidated          Monday, 04 November
      Security updated and allocation of fraction payments


       This example assumes that an ETFSWX40 Shareholder holds 100 ETFSWX40 shares at the close
       of business at the Record Date. The rounding convention described above is then applied and the
       ETFSWX40 Shareholder will be entitled to 63.19200 shares in respect of the 100 ETFSWX40 shares
       held by them as at the Record Date. The ETFSWX40 Shareholder will thus receive 63 shares and
       a cash payment for the fractional entitlement of 0.19200 x ZAR22.80294 = ZAR4.37816.

31 October 2024

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Date: 31-10-2024 12:58:00
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