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FORTRESS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Consolidated unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2024

Release Date: 27/02/2025 15:40
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Consolidated unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2024

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa 
Registration number: 2009/016487/06
JSE share code: FFB
ISIN: ZAE000248506
LEI: 378900FE98E30F24D975
Bond company code: FORI
("Fortress" or "the group" or "the company")

Short-form announcement: Consolidated unaudited interim results for the six 
months ended 31 December 2024 

"Fortress is a real estate investment company with a portfolio of high-
quality logistics and retail assets. We own a portfolio of logistics 
properties in South Africa and Central and Eastern Europe valued at 
R20,3 billion and a portfolio of retail properties of R10,7 billion, 
all located in South Africa. In addition, we hold approximately 
R16 billion in NEPI Rockcastle shares, which provides exposure to 
an outstanding retail portfolio in Central and Eastern Europe. 
Combined, these holdings provide shareholders with exposure to an 
approximately R50 billion real estate portfolio with a significant 
development pipeline, providing growth opportunities for the future.

We delivered a solid set of results for the six-month interim period 
ended 31 December 2024, with distributable earnings of 76,15 cents per 
share, which is 29,8% higher than the normalised distributable earnings 
per share for the previous corresponding six-month interim period ended 
31 December 2023. The strategic shift into higher-growth and better-
quality assets is bearing fruit, resulting in lower vacancy rates and 
improved like-for-like NOI growth across our core logistics and retail 
portfolios. We have seen a particularly good performance from our 
retail portfolio with 9,2% like-for-like NOI growth, stemming largely 
from recent and ongoing refurbishments and extensions, as well as the 
disposal of underperforming assets which were constraining growth.

Our logistics portfolio achieved like-for-like NOI growth of 4,7%. This 
portfolio continues to benefit from very low vacancies, due to limited 
new developments in the market, and increased demand for larger 
warehouses in secure logistics parks. The historical negative reversions 
in this portfolio, due to lease escalations being above the market rental 
growth for several years, have started to improve. We ascribe this 
partly to the rise in construction costs, which has necessitated an 
increase in asking rentals for new, prime logistics developments and 
which has buoyed much of the overall rental market.

The industrial portfolio, while remaining non-core, continued to 
outperform our expectations, with another strong period of growth. 
This portfolio includes the Inospace portfolio which has once again 
performed exceptionally well. This makes the sale of assets within our 
industrial portfolio more profitable and easier to achieve given the 
relative strength of this market segment.

Our strategic exit from the office sector made progress with the 
disposal of R259,2 million of office properties so far this financial 

These assets were sold marginally above our most recent book values, 
with the proceeds recycled into our core asset portfolio. We 
currently have R897 million of office properties remaining, which 
represents only 1,6% of total assets.

We supported NEPI Rockcastle with their growth ambitions and 
participated in the accelerated bookbuild in October 2024 for an 
amount of EUR100 million. NEPI Rockcastle utilised the additional 
capital to acquire top-quality, dominant retail assets which are 
accretive, both from an earnings and a portfolio quality 
perspective. We believe that NEPI Rockcastle's future growth 
prospects are strong due to a superior-quality retail portfolio, 
presence in growth markets and a conservatively geared balance 

In accordance with our commitment to drive total shareholder 
returns, we have again offered a portion of our investment in 
NEPI Rockcastle to our shareholders in lieu of a cash dividend 
for 1H2025."

Steven Brown, CEO

Nature of the business
Fortress is a real estate investment company with a focus on 
developing and letting premium-grade logistics real estate in 
South Africa and Central and Eastern Europe ("CEE"), as well 
as growing our convenience and commuter-oriented retail 
portfolio. Fortress also holds, at the date of this 
announcement, a 16,3% interest in NEPI Rockcastle N.V.
("NEPI Rockcastle"), the largest listed property company 
on the JSE Limited ("JSE"), with a EUR8 billion portfolio 
across nine CEE countries.

Fortress has a policy of distributing 100% of the Fortress-
defined, post-tax distributable earnings on a semi-annual 
basis. The Fortress distribution methodology is generally 
more conservative than industry guidelines. Fortress remains 
a member of and utilises the reporting metrics of the 
SA REIT Association.

Distributable earnings
Distributable earnings amounted to R917,1 million for 1H2025, 
compared to R952,9 million for 1H2024. In 1H2024, we held an 
additional R7 billion of assets in the form of NEPI Rockcastle 
shares, which were utilised to settle the buy-back of Fortress 
shares, as approved in the scheme of arrangement implemented 
in February 2024 ("SOA"). This material change in our asset 
base renders the 1H2025 reporting period incomparable with 
1H2024, due to the higher asset base in 1H2024. However, 
adjusting  for this transaction, distributable earnings for 
1H2025 increased by 33,6% compared to the normalised 
distributable earnings, adjusted for the effects of the SOA, 
for 1H2024. In line with our policy, the board has declared 
the full R917,1 million as a dividend for 1H2025, which 
amounts to 76,15 cents per FFB share.

Shareholders may further elect to receive the 1H2025 
distribution in cash, as the default option, or in the form 
of NEPI Rockcastle shares held by Fortress in a ratio of 
0,0069 NEPI Rockcastle shares for every FFB share held. 
Full details of the dividend alternative will be communicated 
to shareholders in due course.

Summary of financial performance
                              Dec 2024    Dec 2023   % change
Distributable earnings 
(R'000)                        917 095     952 868       (3,8)
Dividend declared per share
- FFA (cents)                                    -          #
- FFB (cents)$                   76,15       81,44       (6,5)

# Percentage change not meaningful to disclose or not applicable.
$ The FFB shares on which the dividend is declared were 
converted from FFA shares post 31 December 2023.

International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") 
                              Dec 2024     Dec 2023   % change

Revenue from direct property 
operations (R'000)           2 353 965    2 139 767       10,1
Total revenue (including 
revenue from investments)
(R'000)@                     2 934 246    2 139 767       37,1
Net asset value ("NAV") 
(R'000)                     30 010 030   36 363 959      (17,5)
NAV per share^ (Rand)            24,92        17,18       45,1
Basic earnings per share 
- FFA (cents)                                140,12          #
Basic earnings per share 
- FFB (cents)                   116,54       140,12      (16,8)
Headline earnings per share 
- FFA (cents)                                 29,42          #
Headline (loss)/earnings 
per share - FFB (cents)          (0,14)       29,42     (100,5)

# Percentage change not meaningful to disclose or not applicable.
^ The NAV per share is calculated as the total NAV divided by the 
aggregate number of FFA and FFB shares in issue, less shares held 
in treasury.
@ Included in total revenue at Dec 2024 is the dividend received 
on the NEPI Rockcastle investment. This investment was previously 
accounted for as an associate in terms of IAS 28 and therefore 
not included in total revenue at Dec 2023.

SA REIT Best Practice disclosure
                              Dec 2024     Dec 2023   % change
NAV per share (Rand)             24,26        16,24       49,4
Loan-to-value ("LTV") 
ratio (%)                         39,9         34,2          #
Funds from operations (R'000)  878 117      949 041       (7,5)
# Percentage change not meaningful to disclose or not applicable.

We previously communicated that our distributable earnings for 
FY2025 would be approximately R1,780 billion. We revise this 
previous guidance to approximately R1,925 billion for FY2025, 
following better-than-expected operational results and a reduction 
in interest rates not previously forecast. Our forecast 
distributable earnings for FY2025 represent 159,84 cents per 
share, which is 24,0% higher than the normalised distributable 
earnings for FY2024. Further detail is presented in the table below.

                    1H2024         2H2024         FY2024         1H2025
                   (actual)       (actual)       (actual)       (actual)               
earnings (R'000)   952 868        835 637      1 788 505         917 095                          
Shares in issue
(net of treasury 
shares)      1 169 980 307  1 190 536 893  1 190 536 893   1 204 291 830

earnings per
share (cents)        81,44          70,19        151,63#           76,15                     

Normalisation      1H2024         2H2024     (normalised          1H2025
adjustments   (normalised)       (actual)        actual)        (actual)               
Exclusion of
dividend on 
53 134 372 
NEPI Rockcastle 
shares (R'000) 
received in 
2023*            (266 365)            -       (266 365)              -                               
Adjusted total
earnings (R'000) 
(normalised for 
the effects of 
the SOA)          686 503       835 637       1 522 140        917 095                  
earnings per 
share (cents) 
(normalised for 
the effects of 
the SOA)            58,68         70,19          128,87          76,15

                                                 FY2025         Annual
                                 2H2025        (revised         change
                             (forecast)       forecast)            (%)             
earnings (R'000)              1 007 905       1 925 000            7,6                       
Shares in issue
(net of treasury
shares)                   1 204 291 830   1 204 291 830                                            
earnings per
share (cents)                     83,69          159,84            5,4            
                                                 FY2025         Annual
Normalisation                    2H2025        (revised         change
adjustments                  (forecast)       forecast)            (%)      
Exclusion of
dividend on 
53 134 372 
NEPI Rockcastle 
shares (R'000) 
received in 
2023*                                -               -                                 
Adjusted total
earnings (R'000) 
(normalised for 
the effects of 
the SOA)                     1 007 905       1 925 000           26,5                            
earnings per share 
(cents) (normalised 
for the effects of 
the SOA)                         83,69          159,84           24,0

# Sum of the 1H2024 and 2H2024 actual distributable earnings 
per share.
* The 53 134 372 NEPI Rockcastle shares were used to fund the 
buy-back of all the Fortress B ordinary shares in issue at the 
time of implementation of the SOA. The adjustment includes related 
foreign currency hedges on this income.

This forecast is based on the following assumptions: 

Fortress-specific assumptions

- Our distributable earnings methodology will remain consistent 
with that of prior periods, as previously communicated;
- No material sales, or acquisitions, outside of our planned 
pipeline occur which necessitate a revision to this forecast;
- There is no unforeseen failure of material tenants in our 
- Contractual escalations and market-related renewals will be 
achieved with no major change in vacancy rates; and
- Tenants will be able to absorb the recovery of rising utility 
costs and municipal rates.

Macroeconomic and regulatory assumptions

- There is no unforeseen material macroeconomic deterioration 
in the markets in which Fortress has exposure;
- There are no unforeseen adverse socio-political events in the 
jurisdictions in which Fortress has exposure;
- There are no changes to current tax legislation in the 
jurisdictions in which the company operates; and
- There are no changes to current interest rates by the European 
Central Bank or the South African Reserve Bank.

The forecast and normalisation adjustments, including the 
assumptions on which they are based and the financial information 
from which they have been prepared, are the responsibility of the 
directors of the company. The forecast and normalisation adjustments 
have not been reviewed or reported on by the company's external 

Financial periods defined as follows:
- 1H2024 - Interim reporting period for the six months ended 
31 December 2023;
- 2H2024 - Final reporting period for the six months ended 
30 June 2024;
- 1H2025 - Interim reporting period for the six months ended 
31 December 2024;
- 2H2025 - Final reporting period for the six months ended 
30 June 2025;
- FY2024 - Financial year ended 30 June 2024; and
- FY2025 - Financial year ending 30 June 2025.

Short-form announcement
This short-form announcement is the responsibility of Fortress' 
board of directors and is only a summary of the consolidated 
unaudited interim results for the six months ended 
31 December 2024 ("1H2025 Results") and does not contain 
full or complete details. Any investment decision by investors 
and/or shareholders should be based on the 1H2025 Results. 
The 1H2025 Results, have been released on SENS and are available 
on the JSE cloudlink at, 
and the company's website at

The short-form announcement itself is not audited or reviewed 
by Fortress' external auditor. 

By order of the board

Steven Brown                                       Ian Vorster
Chief executive officer                Chief financial officer

27 February 2025

Block C, Cullinan Place, Cullinan Close, Morningside, 2196
PO Box 138, Rivonia, 2128

Lead sponsor
Java Capital

Joint equity and debt sponsor
Nedbank CIB

Date: 27-02-2025 03:40:00
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